California Polytechnic State University
2006 - 2008
San Luis Obispo, California
Full Time Graduate Student
MISSION: Student
Successfully complete course requirements and selected projects under the EMP program. This program accepts 10-12 candidates each year to earn two master's degrees, each with a concentration in engineering management.
Head researcher at CP RFID laboratory
PolyHouse - Acted as general contractor to oversee the work of six teams of engineers to produce all design and documentation required to remodel the home of an underprivileged citizen during the six week design phase. Supervised the teams and additional contractors to perform the remodeling task during the six day work phase. In the history of the PolyHouse project, ours was the first to complete on time and on budget despite being the most comprehensive.
Sim Team - Performed as Chief Information Officer with a select group chosen to represent CalPoly at a national simulated business competition. Created software to predict business conditions using various indicators and accumulated histories of business cycles.
ERP Design - Designed and coded a basic MRP system with pegging and pro-forma statements as a special project in an operations management course.
Electric Vehicle - Designed and built a large quick-change battery system for a full size commuter van that had been converted to electric power.
Strategy development
Market research
Personnel management
Workflow Modeling
Visual Basic
Business planning
Marketing plan development
Production systems design
Data Modeling
C, C++
Management of legal issues
Efficiency analysis
Business Process Modeling
Windows API
Financial Planning
Materials development
Critical path management
Requirement Specification
For more information, see CalPoly under Education